Beyond the Hype
24 September, 2022 | Filled under Previous Events |
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Join Fiona Fox, author of Beyond the Hype: The Inside Story of Science’s Biggest Media Controversies, in conversation at the Liverpool Salon.
Thursday 24 November 2022 6.30 pm
The Athenaeum Club, Church Alley, Liverpool L1 3DD
Beyond the Hype takes us behind the scenes of some of the most toxic science stories of the last two decades, including: Climategate, involving the theft of ten years of emails used to claim that climate change was a hoax, the shaming of Nobel prize winner Tim Hunt, the media frenzy over the threat of ‘Frankenstein food’, and the bewildering story of the harassment of scientists researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ ME.

The book finishes with Fox’s reflections on the pandemic, from the media profiles of Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, to the role of political journalists and the government’s mantra of ‘following the science’.
Chief Executive of the Science Media Centre since 2001, Fiona Fox believes in the vital importance of good science communication and warns of the damage to public understanding when scientists are scared to speak out on the defining issues of our time
Beyond the Hype is chaired by Pauline Hadaway, co-founder of the Liverpool Salon and is presented as part of the Salon’s series of public conversations on themes of utopia and dystopia
Listn to Beyond the Hype on a Liverpolitan podcast